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Brief history of Zemplín

Contemporary territory of Dolný Zemplín was for its favorable location and feedstock resources from Palaeolithic age through Middle Ages preferred settlement area. 
Early Bronze Age period processed bronze as the main metal. During this period Zemplin region was presumably North-Eastern centre of Carpathian Basin and together with South part of Potiszia Lowland played a major part in contacts with areas outside Carpathian region.    
 History of the region was mainly shaped by presence of Celts and later Roman influences.  Archeological research confirmed existence of settlements from Migration period dated from 9th through 11th centuries BC in localities of Michalovce-Hrádok as well as the oldest architecture discovery of the region at Kostolné námestie in Michalovce
According to historical sources region’s name “Zemplín” was created by derivation from  name Zemplín originated from ¨Zemmen¨  - literally “Earth castle”   which was an early Slavonic construction typical for this region.
As an administrative and territorial unit was formed Zemplín since the first half of the 11th century. After the first world war on the basis of the Treaty of Trianon divided territory Zemplína between former Czechoslovakia and Hungary, as a result, part of Zemplín lying in Slovakia joined the Slovak Užská county. Such a connection, however, lasted only until 1923 when it became part of Zemplén county counties cups, until the moment when it was in 1928 the establishment of the county in Slovakia canceled.
During the 2nd World War, the southern part of the Slovak Zemplína became part of Hungary and was annexed to Hungary and considers Zemplén County. After the war were restored pre-war borders again and prevent potential Zemplín
back to Czechoslovakia. As the center Zemplína alternately performed the above-mentioned Zemplínsky Castle, Sárospatak, town Zemplín, sátoraljaújhely (Hungarian Sátoraljaujhely) and finally even Michalovce. Zemplína boundaries were changed a little. They were mostly natural and formed their back Slanské and Vihorlatu Laborec River, Latorica and Tisa.
Essentially a borderline region Zemplín always was at crossroads of several cultural elements and traditions which made his multiplicities rather diverse from one another with agricultural industry as a main livelihood to its inhabitants. Particularly Tokay region is well known for its wineries. Industrial production was sparse.  Besides farming and livestock raising inhabitants of hilly regions find work in logging, shepherding of charcoal burning. In the past Crafts such as pottery, trough making or basketry advanced slowly in Zemplín as well as butchery, broadcloth making.  
At present Zemplín region is administratively devided into Upper Zemplín (belonging to Prešov self governing region) and Lower Zemplin (including districts of Michalovce, Sobrance and Trebišov) belonging to Košice self governing region. 

Powi¹zane artyku³y

Brief history of Michalovce
Brief history of Sobrance
Brief history of Trebišov
Nagymihály történelmébõl
Sedmièky v dejinách Michaloviec
Sevens in the history of Michalovce
Szobránc történelmébõl és jelenébõl
Tõketerebes törénelmébõl és jelenébõl
Z histórie Zemplína
Z histórie a súèasnosti Michaloviec
Z histórie a súèasnosti Sobraniec
Z histórie a súèasnosti Trebišova
Zemplén történelmébõl

Mapa i ciekawe miejsca

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