Other museums
Veľké Kapušany city museum
City museum in Veľké Kapušany is a new museum with moden architecture and equipment that was establised as a part of tourist information centre. City museum was founded in 2002, Museum section houses a furniture and tools use in the past on ordinay basis. Exposition represents traditional crafts: forging, weaving, beekeeping, pottery and shoemaking.
Junior centrum Mestské kultúrne stredisko
Hlavná ulica 195, 079 01 Veľké Kapušany
Tel.: +421-56-638-2485
Vlastivedné múzeum Kráľovský Chlmec
Regional history museum is a regional museum for Medzibodrožie and Použi. Its collection is regionally orientatded. Eclectic tyle building that is a heritage site hauses several topical art oriented exposition In the cellar section there is an expocition on local winemaking history.
Kultúrne centrum Medzibodrožia a Požia
Majlátha 2, 07701 Kráľovský Chlmec
Tel.: +421-56-63 218 45, +421-905-223 435
E-mail: muzeum.kcmap@dornet.sk
Web: www.kcmap.sk
Veľké Trakany
Former salt office that allocated salt from nearby harbor now dead river arm used to collect salt from whole Eastern Carpathian. Recently refurbished building houses exposition of pastoral art, salt mining history, ethnography, local municipality history, Tisa salt route history. Following a reconstruction in 2005 the building was turned into regional history museum with additional exposition of historical exposition, exposition of horn carvings as well as exposition of salt mining history.
Veľké Trakany
Tel.: +421-905-373 929
Kráľovský Chlmec carigge múzeum
Mouseum tour offers 14 historical carriages of varied design. The collecion originates from 1970s. It shows hiatory od transport in various historical eras. In additiou a carriage tour of Královský Chlmec for 2 adults and 2 children.
Rímskokatolícky farský úrad, Ul. L. Mécsa 3, Kráľovský Chlmec
(Contact person: Szalay Ladislav)
Tel.: +421-56-63 229 75