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Fun Fairs and markets

Spring fairs

Michalovce organizes three major fairs. They are Christmas fairs, spring fairs and Zemplín fair. All these occasions . Spring fair take place on April 30th through May 1st.  These markets are well loved not just for their scope of goods but also for its seasonal cultural events – Rising of Maypole, performances of various folkloric groups or highlight of the happening – competition ingoulash cooking or Spring price show jumping and additional events.  


Zemplín fair

Annually in summer month in last August weekend Zemplplín fair is organized attracting many sellers and buyers not just from our city and its surroundings but from regions all over the country. Zemplínsky jarmok offers demonstrations of  folk crafts, selling stalls of every sort, and evening carousel rides Zemplín fair atmosphere id further enriched by exhibition of backyard raised animals,  bonsai exhibition, biker´s gathering   ad their ride across the city.     

Christmas markets

Christmas markets are well loved occasion before Christmas taking place on  on third Advent Sunday  This market is a suitable inspiration for Christmas presents for friends and family. The event is accompanied by cultural events including carol music, demonstration of Christmas customs or traditional pig slaughter  organized by City cultural center.

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