Sninský kameň
Sninsky kameň is a peak (1 005,0 m a.s.l.) in mesoregion of Vihorlatské vrchy. Sninsky kameň is the major dominant at thought after tourist attraction. Since 1982 it is protected natural attraction with total area of 5,52 ha. It tower over northeast from municipality Zemplínske Hámre and Morské oko.

Benatínska veľryba
Beautiful natural scenery and crystal clear water lures to swimming. Surrounded by a peaceful environs with small number of friendly people reminds us of Croatians rocky seashore. Water is clear if a bit cold.

Morské oko
National nature reservation Morké oko is located in mesoregion of Vihorlatské vrchy south from Remetské Hámre in catastrand area of Remetské Hámre a Vyšná Rybnica.