Bank building
The original object was erected in the 19th century. At the beginning of 20th cen¬tury in the spaces on the upper floor was located the seat of the oldest bank in Michalovce and on the ground floor was situated a pub and various little shops.
Around 1912, Bartolomej Czibur, a pharmacist and banker, one of the richest and most influential residents of Michalovce, has initiated the reconstruction of this building in a style of Hungarian art nouveau. The appearance of the object was radically changed (local papers of that time called the building “the ornament of Main street“). Following the modifications it housed various banks and from the 50‘s there was located a library in the object. Currently the whole complex serves for medical purposes.
The fact that it was originally a bank building is confirmed also by architectural elements on the facade like a beehive on the main gable and reliefs of a smith and reaper between windows.
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