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Municipal Office

The original “varošska chiža“ (Town hall) was situated near to the Roman Catholic parochial church and from 1880 the self-governing institutions were housed in a pri¬vate building at the Hlavná ulica (Main Street).

In 1927 – 1928, at the place of the former private house, Barkány company from Prešov has erected for Michalovce self-government new building (its design was elaborated by Ľudovít Oeschläger). The city gained the missing funds for the completion of whole object by means of the sale of “Bazáre“ (“Bazaars“) to tenants (they were situated on the other side of square).

The self-government leased part of the spaces in the newly erected complex – there were located here the following facilities: pharmacy, bank, printing house and the renowned confectionary “Ďuročík“.

On the original watch tower that was easing the work of local fire fighters was added later on a clock. The roof and the ceiling of the building were damaged by a huge fire in the 80‘s of 20th century.

In front of the town hall was situated also the only little park on the Main street. It was formed of three fenced areas next to each other. During years from 1928 to 1939 stood on the central fenced grassy area (on a raised pedestal) the bronze bust of Adolf Dobriansky as a symbol of common work of Slovaks, Ruthynians – Ukrainians and Czechs on the building up of Czechoslovak Re¬public (just for the sake of interest we can also say here that in 1939 the town ordered its dismoun¬ting and subsequently it was put in the loft of town hall – after the second world war the bust was revealed again in front of the former cinema and later it was moved to the building of seconda-ry medical school and placed at the corner of Dobriansky street; from there in the mid 90‘s of the 20th century it was alienated and sold in the collection office of scrap – however, parts of it were found here but the thieves remain so far unpunished). Immediately after the liberation of the town the little park was integrated and as a token of respect there were buried here the fallen soldiers of the Soviet Red Army (however, this provisional graveyard was abolished already in 1945)..


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